About Us
Candy is not just a snack, it’s an emotion. There’s no denying that the sugar laded, rainbow-coloured sweets all of us grew up eating and love are simply delicious. It’s only when we grow up, we start to see how much artificial junk they contain. Sure, you could eat one or two and not feel too guilty, but everybody that loves sweets will agree that that's no way to enjoy candy!

On setting out on her professional journey, she had the opportunity to not only work alongside Sandhya, her now Co-founder, but was also lucky to work with her on some of Unilever's marquee FMCG brands such as Lipton and Walls.
Sandhya has over 13 years of Advertising experience building brands like L'Oreal, Garnier & Marico. She is armed with a culinary background from Le Cordon Bleu Paris, and runs a successful patisserie.
Together with a background in advertising and a shared love of all things sweet, they decided to reinvent the candy wheel, so that everyone could enjoy candy guilt-free.
Creating a candy with real fruit, sans sugar, gluten, gelatin and anything artificial was a challenging journey. But not an impossible one.
And thus was born Niblerzz, a homegrown, clean label, guilt free candy which has no added sugars, preservatives, gelatin & gluten you can indulge in, without risking your gym membership.
After all, candy is an emotion. And Sandhya and Aashnee wanted to make sure guilt wasn’t part of it.